Smartroad | Shareppy Internacional
Shareppy Internacional, Fintech de soluciones tecnológicas para sector financiero y solidario.
Shareppy, fintech, fábrica de software, sector financiero, soluciones tecnológicas, colombia
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Modular Software

Build the tool you need

We offer more than 20 modules that meet multiple needs at each stage of the credit process. The different combination of the modules we offer builds the different versions of our Smart Road product. The main advantage of assembling the software in a modular way is that it makes it as robust as the entity requires.

Smart Road is a tool that allows you to program the flow of a process and adapt it to perform it in a systematic, agile and flexible way. This tool can interact with mobile devices, making it easier to capture information.

Main features

The process can be different for each institution where the Software is adapted according to need. It allows to program the flow of a process and to adapt it in a systematic, agile and flexible way.

It allows the user to access some functionalities in order to perform information capture functions without the need to have internet connection.

It is fully integrable with the banking core of the institution which allows synchronizing the activities of the field work of the advisors, with the central system speeding up the response times.

Thanks to its georeferencing module, the tool allows to visualize the routes that advisers have travelled in their work on the street, facilitating the control of the procedures.

Smart Road allows the parametrization of modules depending on the roles that are conceived within the flow, thus allowing the assignment of tasks according to the hierarchy stipulated in the process.

Support for the PCI-DSS standard.
Security protocol for the HMAC API.
Support OWASP, Top 10.

Reduction in the number of errors in the business process thanks to the automation of calculations and processes.

Allows you to capture information on site via mobile devices.


Reduces credit process time

Fast attention to more customers, which will encourage the automation of your portfolio.

Increase productivity

It increases the productivity of your sales force by offering real-time and anywhere information.

Control of the portfolio

Monitor the portfolio by reporting arrears and early warnings of: First instalments due, minimum balances, defaulted defaults and balance indicators.

Control of commercial force in field

  • Learn where all your real-time advisors are thanks to the geroreferencing module.
  • Monitor the individual performance of each consultant.
  • Warning of unexpected departures from your area of work.

Reduces the consumption of paper

The collection of information is done directly on the mobile device, which eliminates the need for printed forms.

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