Dematerialization of promissory notes | Shareppy Internacional
Shareppy Internacional, Fintech de soluciones tecnológicas para sector financiero y solidario.
Shareppy, fintech, fábrica de software, sector financiero, soluciones tecnológicas, colombia
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Software to

Dematerialization of promissory notes

• It’s a solution that allows you to digitally sign the dematerialized promissory note to back up any credit transaction.

Dematerialization of promissory notes is a solution that allows you to digitally sign the dematerialized promissory notes as a back up to any credit transaction, avoiding the physical processing of the promissory notes, are signed and validated by means of a biometric signature and go directly to the file of documents held by the institution.

Main features

When the promissory notes are generated digitally, they can be digitally signed and validated by biometrics.

The endorsement of promissory notes as electronic documents by specialized entities is guaranteed.

Because the promissory notes is digitally generated from the tool, it prevents the consultant from performing the manual tasks of processing the promissory note.

Digital promissory notes allow biometric signatures by integrating biometric services.


Cost savings (zero paper)

Reduces the use of paper to reduce the burden on the entity and reduce the waste generated.

Security in the documents

Reduces the risk of fraud and identity theft.

Process efficiency

It facilitates the capture and processing of information in credit operations.

Security for control and administration

Historical consultation of the generated promissory notes is available.

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